About Us

Ambulance Billing and Major Incident Response Billing.

Every day, EMS and Ambulance crews help alleviate pain and suffering for tens of thousands of people.  As crucial as this mission is, it can not be done without adequate cash flow.  Priority Medical Claims understands this, in fact, it is why we are in business.  We see the ambulance billing process as a direct contribution to our rescue, EMS and ambulance company clients everywhere.

PMC was founded in 1995 by Keith & Lisa Waycaster working side by side to improve patient care and outcomes in EMS.  Keith was a Paramedic / Supervisor and Lisa was a 911 – Telecommunicator.  We have worked successfully with dozens of rescue squads, ambulance companies and fire / EMS combination agencies.  We are proud of the outcomes we have helped achieve in the EMS field.  Call PMC today…sleep better tonight!!! 1-800-635-7577


We provide the following billing specialties:

  • Emergency ambulance billing services
  • Non-Emergency ambulance transport billing
  • Prior authorization assistance for repetitive patients
  • Complex rescue operation billing
  • Major incident response billing


PMC specializes in rapid deployment ambulance billing services designed to rapidly shock your billing back into rhythm and keep it there.  Call us today for your – zero obligation – consultation!!!  1-800-635-7577