2023 Ambulance Inflation Factor Released

Ambulance Billing - 2023 Ambulance Inflation Factor
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2023 Ambulance Inflation Factor

The Ambulance Inflation Factor for the year 2023 has been released by CMS.  Transports provided on January 1st, 2023 and later will be paid using the standard ambulance fee schedule for your squad’s zip code, plus an increase of 8.7%.  After a year of incredible inflation in fuel and operating costs, this increase is a welcome addition.  The annual AIF is calculated once per year and may go in either direction, positive or negative, depending on the federal government’s consumer price index (CPI) and certain other efficiency measurements.

This is a good time to review your squad’s operating costs, retail fees and facility contracts.  All of these are important to a billing and collection process that works for your agency and your community.  More information on the CMS ambulance inflation factor can be obtained Here.

If you need assistance, give our office a call.  We have a proven history of success with small and mid-sized ambulance providers.

We can be reached at 1-304-253-1059, Monday through Friday.  After hours by social media.


The PMC Team